Tour Ukrainian Pittsburgh! provides a historical and cultural context to the Ukrainian settlements in the City of Pittsburgh and surrounding suburbs.
Four different tours provide sites to see, directions, and background information. Some tours can be walked, others must be taken in an automobile.
The booklet contains a historical sketch of Ukrainian settlement in and around Pittsburgh, plus listings of Ukrainian churches and the Ukrainian community organizations.
Our NEW edition has been updated to reflect current landmarks, roadways, Ukrainian churches and the many Ukrainian community organizations in the area!
Here is a look at our updated Tour Ukrainian Pittsburgh! We know you will like what you see!
Want your own copy of Tour Ukrainian Pittsburgh!? Two ways to get your copy!
Just click on the button below to order online or follow the information to mail a request!
Four different tours provide sites to see, directions, and background information. Some tours can be walked, others must be taken in an automobile.
The booklet contains a historical sketch of Ukrainian settlement in and around Pittsburgh, plus listings of Ukrainian churches and the Ukrainian community organizations.
Our NEW edition has been updated to reflect current landmarks, roadways, Ukrainian churches and the many Ukrainian community organizations in the area!
Here is a look at our updated Tour Ukrainian Pittsburgh! We know you will like what you see!
Want your own copy of Tour Ukrainian Pittsburgh!? Two ways to get your copy!
Just click on the button below to order online or follow the information to mail a request!

Mail Order: Please mail a check for $5.00 for each copy of TOUR UKRAINIAN PITTSBURH! to UCHI with the completed order form and we will send your copy(s) to you as soon as possible!